hey sadness, you are on notice

things i have been doing lately to feel better:

running 2 miles straight a day more days than not, stretching, sun salutations whenever i feel like it, sewing lots of sewing (i want to post pics soon), downloading fun music, cooking brand new recipes, baking brand new recipes, making a schoolhouse tunic from a pattern I bought from http://www.sewliberated.com/, making mccall’s pattern 5787, knitting a big chunky cowl from the January Martha Stewart Living called Dobb’s Ferry (i call these big cowl things woobies), trying to be home more, trying to talk on the phone less (i loathe the phone), eat yummy whole foods

below is a picture of the Dobb’s Ferry Cowl from martha stewart living (not me)

this cowl was so meant to be. my mom bought me one skein for christmas of the exact yarn that this pattern calls for in a gorgeous cream called fisherman. so chunky and delicious. she also bought me a hole puncher in honor of my blog. she so gets me and i love her so much.

in other news, i am trying a new approach to my skin care. i have literally tried every acne product under the sun. certain people don’t always realize i have terrible skin because i wear very nice makeup in front of said people.

things i have tried on my face:

proactive, benzoclin, differin, clindamycin, dr perricone’s vitamin regimen, vegan diet, water water water, steaming, no treatment at all, washing with just plain old soap and water, washing with dial, no washing, hot compresses, cold compresses, clinique’s acne line, everything ever sold in the skin care aisles of cvs or target, strawberries pureed, witch hazel, crushed up aspirin (crazy, you say? i know.)

my latest maybe solution:

slathering on benzoyl peroxide (i read about it on acne.org)

2 thoughts on “hey sadness, you are on notice

  1. It sucks, doesn’t it? I’m 26, and I just started breaking out. I’m also in the medical profession (pharmacist), and acne just doesn’t bump your credibility up any. Just make sure you use an spf moisturizer in the morning so you don’t burn (esp. in summer!). Good luck!

    • Hi Erin! It does stink and I totally agree about the credibility thing. I feel like I have to work so much harder to prove I am capable!

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